Some Gavin birthday pics....from 3 months ago
The birthday boy- my big 3 year old (note the fajita stains from the dinner- no white next year)

The birthday table, which I wanted outside, but it was too windy. Gavin did NOT like the balloons blowing in the wind, it made him quite upset. The birthday banner I made from really cool black/white/red scrapbook papers, it turned out cute, but its hard to tell in the pic

I also made the cupcakes, 2 dozen red velvet, 2 dozen funfetti. Half of them were good. It was less expensive, but I was sad not to get Gavin a cool cake this year (and did I mention half of the cupcakes were not good?), I think next year we will go back to good ole Aunt Nories.

Birthday Boy cupcake- isn't the stand too cute??

Gavin with some of his little guests, unfortunately all the rest of the pics from present time are on the other hard drive and Madi just woke up from her nap, so none of those