Every parent is guilty of it. I am sure all of you remember your parents doing it to you. Jordan and I have already started it. I see Gavin playing with a tractor. "Gavin do you want to be a cotton farmer??" He is doing puzzles and is really good at it. "Oh Gavin, you are definitely going to be an engineer, aren't you?" He seems slightly interested in the episode of House we are watching on tv. "Gavin don't you want to be a diagnostician so you can take good care of Mommy and Daddy when we are old and decrepid?" Seriously, why am I already trying to put career ideas into the mind of an 18 month old??
This is our "conversation" with Gavin the other day. Apparently we can stop trying to persuade him, he has decided on his future career.
Me: Gavin, do you want to be an architect?
Gavin: No.*
*this,of course, is a nonverbal no. Gavin still chooses to communicate only by nods "yes" and "no", by pointing, and of course his signature grunting. This actually proves to be a very effective mode of communication and so he might never speak.
Jordan: Gavin, do you want to be an actor?
Gavin: No.
Me: Gavin, do you want to be a lawyer?
Gavin: No.
Jordan: Gavin, do you want to be a teacher?
Gavin: No.
Me: Do you want to be an artist?
Gavin: No.
Jordan: Do you want to be a Catholic Priest?
Gavin: Yes.
Jordan and I: Laughing.
Gavin: Has his serious look on.
Me: Gavin do you want to be a dancer? (this is a trick question I am thinking he is just saying yes now)
Gavin: No. (not falling for it)
Jordan: Gavin do you want to be a Catholic Priest?
Gavin: Yes.
Our future little priest.
I think he might have gotten this whole idea from Annerson. Maybe he just digs the hat.