Saturday, March 20, 2010

What Not To Wear

Kids can have the strangest preferences when it comes to clothes. Gavin has two (faded) shirts he LOVES, his "skateboard shirt" and "digger shirt". Every morning when we get dressed and I pull out a shirt that is not one of these shirts he gets his whiny voice and "Nooooooo I want my skateboard/digger shirt". One week he wore only these 2 shirts...that is the same 2 shirts for 7 days. I now sometimes intentionally leave them out of the wash so he doesn't get to wear them more than 2 times a week (yes I do that much laundry) and sometimes I even tell him "its not clean" when it might be. Is that bad?? I know, it is, okay I wont do it anymore. When my sister was little she wore a pink tutu over everything. Did you know you can wear a tutu over jeans, a sweatsuit, pajamas, even a bathing suit??? Well, Madison has now reached this stage. Every morning we get dressed, she always prefers to wear a skirt or dress, she wants a bow in her hair or pigtails, and then she wants.....

yes these are rattle socks
yes they are made for infants
yes that is a strange looking red and orange monkey
no they do not fit at all, the heel ends in the middle of the bottom of her foot
yes sometimes she wears them outside to play
and yes she has worn them to the grocery store
This look is not much better than the rattle socks
he can throw the ball
and he can catch the ball
Such a big boy!!

Now go check out Meredith on my photoblog


Diana said...

Haha! I love the picture of Gavin! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Cute cute. Gavin looks so much like Jordan, especially catching that ball!

Love you - Nana

Kate said...

I wore that pink tutu over my sweet Batman pajamas, too! And a Halloween trick-or-treat bucket on my head like a soldier. And tap shoes on the wrong feet. Classic