This is more for me to remember than anything else, but here we go....
Weight: 20 lbs
Height: 31 inches
tall and skinny- who is surprised???
Madison LOVES:
-bows in her hair
my favorite story with this is one day she wakes up from her nap and I hear her in her room: "mooooomy, moommmmmmmyyyyy, mommy!, moooooomy" I walk in and she is standing in her crib with one finger on the top of her head pointing and she says "BOW!".
Her bow had fallen out during her nap and of course she noticed and wanted it back in.
- Shoes
She picks out a pair everyday and if she sees your shoes lying on the ground she will take hers off and proceed to wear yours. She even wants to picks out shoes to match her pjs and insists I let her sleep in them (yes she has won before). This obsession has begun a bit early don't you think??
- The tricycle
Everytime we go outside she drags gavins tricycle with us. She can't reach the pedals yet but she really tries and will scoot up so she can move it by walking her feet. When we were in Dallas last week there was a pink and purple tricycle in the window of a toy store and she had her nose to the glass staring until I drug her away.
-Her thumb and her belly button.
Anytime Madi is tired or gets out of sorts at all her right thumb goes in her mouth and she finds her belly button with the other hand. She has sort of an outtie belly button and loves to mess with it.
-Her Daddy.
While he is at work she asks me at least once an hour "Wheres Daddy" and everytime she wakes up in the morning or after nap, "Wheres Daddy?"
She loves carrying her babies around and taking care of them. When we saw Brad and Brookes baby Camden for the first time she was in awe. She got to hold him and she was in heaven.
-playing dress up
A girl can never have on too many necklaces and bracelets.
one of the both Madi and Gavin's favorite things is to turn on music (preferably Ben Rector or Coldplay) and dance around and play the guitar and drums. It is fun. I hope no one ever looks in the window and sees me dancing around, I make a complete fool of myself, but we have FUN.
Madison HATES:
-getting in her car seat
-riding in the cart at the stores (this makes life REAL easy for me - HAH)
-taking a bath without Gavin- I don't know why she hates it, but she will yell "nooooooo" anytime she has to take a bath if Gavin is not taking a bath too
-going poop
I won't entertain you with a story there.
So that's Madison at 18 months!
You just thought you could get through a blog post of mine without they are!!
playing talking on my phone, please ignore the mess of toys, we have since got new toy storage and its MUCH better....wait I just looked and it really looks the same, somehow we managed to get two new storage furniture things and we still have that black thing filled with toys too. Where do all these toys come from??????
looking serious, trying to find her belly button
walking the tricycle
saying cheese!
Bingham Texas Wine at Tomball, Texas, Costco
4 months ago
1 comment:
Oh my! Grant is just a few ounces short of 20 pounds. She may be tall and skinny, but she is also beautiful.
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